XERPz Free Accounting Software   Business Sign-up

Sign up now to start using XERP Z-Series (aka, XERPz) SaaS business management system

Uploading a logo is not mendatory here. You may update it in your application setup.
Your profile will be used to setup the first Employee of your company.
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How does it work?
  • Your Profile will be super administrator account and also the first employee.
  • After registering, verify your email address by clicking the link in the verification email.
  • Login using your User-ID/ Email and Password .
  • You will be allowed for 15 days to use XERPz.
  • You have to subscribe to continue using the software.
Already have an account?

Sign in to your account to manage your company.

Have any Question?

Read our FAQ or feel free to contact us if you need help or have questions. For a detailed guide, visit the Getting Started with XERPz page.